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Friday, January 9, 2009

Thank You Blogging Powers That Be

It finally worked- I changed my template....... granted I had to create a new blog but pish posh!

Anyhoo, Thank God it's Friday. No, really. The first week back at school after Christmas has been rough. . . . . I don't enjoy 5:30am, I truly don't.

I envy morning people. So chipper, so. . . . alert. Also, they are always the ones who seem to be super organized, health conscious, and practucally perfect in every way. For example: they can actually park both cars in their garage, they rarely have a junk drawer, and for some reason their idea of a "light" workout is a 6 mile run- with their perfectly behaved yellow lab in tow. Their Christmas decorations come down on the 26th, they never lose their shoes (I have a tendency to lose one), and their closets look like a container store catalogue.

Personally, I'm just starting to get cranked up around dusk. I love night time. I also have a few junk drawers. . . .


Nina Bell said...


Looks great, what was wrong?

Samantha@IW said...

I don't know why but I read that some people had this issue with embedded comments and that chaging it to a pop up window fixes the issue.... strange huh?

MonicaW42 said...

Yaaaay, You fixed it...

Nina Bell said...


I heard there were still a lot of kinks with embedded comments..

I put it up and within 5 min I received a complaint so I changed it back.

Anya@IW said...

Junk drawers? What about junk closets?! Seriously, I pride myself on NOT having a junk room. I have known some people who do and I admire them for letting others in their house, but I think I care too much what others think.

I love the layout of your blog. A bit retro and different. I do think it was worth the extra time you had to put in to get it right! Easy for me to say. LOL.